
Sunday, May 29, 2011

Cate Blanchett and the Carbon Tax.

Cate Blanchett is to front a new advertisement that is attempting to sell the upcoming Carbon Tax to "Middle and Average Australians".
I think it is important to make the following points.
Cate Blanchett, whilst a brilliant actor, does not speak on behalf of the average Australian. The increase in the price of goods and services that the "Average Australian" will have to pay because of this tax will be to her such a minuscule part of her income. Unfortunately most of us are not in this income bracket.
Are we supposed to accept this new tax, as the advertisement asks us to do, when not even the government knows the true cost at this stage. That is like agreeing to buy a new car when we have absolutely no idea of the final cost.
This might be a crazy idea but if reducing carbon emissions is so critical why not spend the billions of dollars that is going to the NBN on research into alternate methods of power generation and a suitable replacement for fossil fuels in our vehicles.

1 comment:

  1. Cate Blanchett is a fine actress but she doesn't live in the real world. She reportedly flies globally as a first-class passenger, therefore contributing a greater share of the carbon aircraft release than those in economy class. And she is a so-called "ambassador" for a motor company, undoubtedly being paid for helping to promote its carbon-emitting vehicles. Does she travel by public transport? Not by what I have read and seen. Perhaps she needs to do a Joan Doe and go into the real world in disguise to find out how real people, not stage characters, live.
